“Swoon” Show Notes: Episode #79 – Fuck It: Coparenting During a Pandemic

Jeff Guenther, MS, LPC on Sep 13, 2020 in Swoon

This week Julie and Gina get real about all the stress of handling parenting relationships with a partner and how exponentially challenging it is during week number 748 of the pandemic.

This episode covers:

  • What to think about when all your normal support systems
  • How to keep adjusting when you've already made ten thousand adjustments
  • Why co-parenting is so extra-specially challenging right now

Memorable quotes

"It's not like it was all that easy before."

"All our creative secondary systems of support are maxed out by now."

"There's a typical joy to bringing kids back to school for their connection and socialization and for our family scheduling needs and that built-in relief isn't there this year."

"A lot of folks rolled into the pandemic with small issues unresolved (or in typical chaos and crisis) and then added a pandemic on top."

"It's never going to be a waste of time to show up and connect with your partner."

    Resources from the Podcast

    Division of Labor Swoon Episode: https://www.therapyden.com/blog/swoon-show-notes-episode-8

    Brene Brown Podcast on 50/50 Myths in Relationships

    Action Steps

    • Find a way to prioritize connection.
    • Set up a time and commit (or re-commit) to it when you can focus on roles, responsibilities, and resources.
    • Learn to say no and "not right now" to each other. Boundaries will help you.
    • Learn to say you're sorry and own your impact on each other.

    Get support

    Looking for coaching? Connect with Gina

    Looking for a therapist in Oregon? Connect with Julie

    Looking for other therapeutic support? Check out TherapyDen

    Your Swoon hosts

    Gina Senarighi, MS, MA, CPC is a sexuality counselor and communication consultant specializing in healthy boundaries, passionate relationships, jealousy, and infidelity. She supports non-traditional couples all over the world as a retreat leader and certified relationship coach.
    Connect with Gina

    Julie Jeske, LPC is a sex and relationship counselor. She has a private practice where she helps clients increase intimacy, ignite passion and deepen their connection to themselves and others. Julie especially loves to help women discover who they are sexually. Through counseling, online classes, or in-person retreats; her clients learn how to talk about their sexual and relationship desires, and explore ways to make them a reality.
    Connect with Julie

    Jeff Guenther is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Portland, OR.

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