“Swoon” Show Notes: Episode #50 – Love Story - Online Dating

Jeff Guenther, MS, LPC on Feb 23, 2020 in Swoon

Online dating is more the norm than the exception these days, but nearly everyone has a complaint or two about the process. Join us to talk about the resistance that can come up and how to make online dating work for you.

This episode covers:

  • How to reach out to someone interesting online
  • How to navigate conversations with new connections online
  • How to create a profile that is authentic
  • Creating a mindset for success
  • How to include feedback form friends and lovers in your online profile
  • How to screen potential dates' profiles in a way that works for you

                                            Memorable Quotes

                                            “Sometimes I see people put a more aspirational version of themselves online than is accurate.”

                                            “More people are dating online than are meeting in other ways."

                                            "You have to really check in with yourself and be honest and vulnerable about who you are, what you think, and what your values are."

                                            "What are my expectations and intentions in online dating?"

                                            "Having boundaries makes it possible to feel less pressure and more open to experiencing positive connections."

                                            "How am I showing up in a way that is actually getting what I want, and not getting carried away?"

                                            "Try and go into a mindset that online dating is the norm and you might be doing it forever."

                                            "If you know there's something that 's not good for you or you know you don't want, it's good to be clear."

                                            "Thanks for reaching out. I don't think we're a match right now."

                                            "Know that ghosting is a part of this. Even the best of us get ghosted. It's gonna suck and you're gonna get hurt and you need to be prepared for that."

                                                Resouces from the Podcast

                                                Racism in Online Dating

                                                How Racial Bias Plays Out in Online Dating

                                                Say More About That Online Dating Episode

                                                You can find a therapist at TherapyDen.

                                                Action Steps

                                                Set clear intentions and start an online dating profile. Gather with a supportive friend to create a profile that aligns with your presence IRL.

                                                Your Swoon hosts

                                                Gina Senarighi, MS, MA, CPC is a sexuality counselor and communication consultant specializing in healthy boundaries, passionate relationships, jealousy, and infidelity. She supports non-traditional couples all over the world as a retreat leader and certified relationship coach.
                                                Connect with Gina

                                                Julie Jeske, LPC is a sex and relationship counselor. She has a private practice where she helps clients increase intimacy, ignite passion and deepen their connection to themselves and others. Julie especially loves to help women discover who they are sexually. Through counseling, online classes, or in-person retreats; her clients learn how to talk about their sexual and relationship desires, and explore ways to make them a reality.
                                                Connect with Julie

                                                Jeff Guenther is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Portland, OR.

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