About My Clients
I provide a nurturing, compassionate space that empowers teens, adults, and couples to break cycles, heal wounds, set boundaries, and explore curiosities about yourself and the world.
My Background and Approach
I'm queer, neurodivergent therapist healing from trauma. I bring my highly sensitive self fully into my practice, which often looks like me laughing or crying with you, or relating to things or feelings you share if I've been there myself. Working with me feels like being in a warm, judgment-free space where your experiences are honored and validated. Before becoming a therapist, I practiced as a lawyer for almost a decade. I get what it's like to be in an extremely high pressure work environment, how much of your identity it can consume, and how challenging it can be to find any sort of balance. I tend to channel my advocacy skills into relentless compassion and support for your wellbeing.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
Having been in personal and professional relationships where I needed to contort myself and make myself small or likable in order to feel safe, I've experienced firsthand how empathy, curiosity, and community can support stepping into authentic self-expression. I know healing relationships are intimate and vulnerable, so I emphasize collaboration and transparency to create a foundation of trust. I aim to balance you always having a voice in our space, with never feeling burdened to carry the space. Having come into my queerness later in life, I feel like expansiveness makes life so much richer. Often times, anxiety, depression, and burnout can indicate we're living a life that isn't aligned with our values, and I love supporting you in unpacking all the "shoulds" and stepping into who you are.