About My Clients
My ideal client would be a fat bodied individual who is looking to love themselves just as they are. A client who is interested in seeking freedom from diet culture, and unpacking their fatphobia of themselves and how the world sees them. I work from an anti diet and HAES (health at every size) perspective. I specialize in working with individuals who have difficulty with emotional regulation, limited coping skills, and a need to up their assertiveness game.
My Background and Approach
My approach is intersectionality with my interventions of choice being: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Change Therapy (ACT), Feminist Theory, and Anti-Diet. I am passionate about working with folx struggling with depression and anxiety, identity and coming out support, body image issues/ body positivity/ anti-diet/ intuitive eating, and borderline personality disorder. I provide a welcoming space to LGBTQIA folx, People of Color, and fat folx. A little about me: I received my Bachelor of Social Work from Temple University and my Master of Social Work from Widener University. I am a certified Body Project facilitator: unpacking the “appearance ideal” to adolescents and young adults in hopes to decrease the probability of eating disorders.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
I am a social justice warrior, a strong advocate for the Black Lives Matter movement, the LGBTQIA community, the fat community, pro sex worker rights, and ending stigma for mental health. I check my privilege as best I can, and I continue to work on my self awareness through my own therapy. I can be a feminist killjoy and I don't care. E- A- G- L-E -S- EAGLES!