About My Clients
I am passionate about working with couples—both those that may just be beginning their years together or those with already many years together—who are wishing to shift out of disconnection and disharmony, to foster the intimacy, passion, unity, and harmony each partner desires within the relationship. Being in connection with another and learning, choosing each day to live a truly healthy relational life is just that, a commitment of choice.
My Background and Approach
Yet, this choice does not come without work. As a fellow traveler in this human experience, as another person also doing that work—also continually striving to be and do better within my own intimate and personal relationships— I can genuinely say shifting out from disharmony into relational health, to foster the relationship that you and your partner desire, can be done. Beginning this work and starting your relationship’s journey into the commitment of living a relationally healthy life, means beginning the work of being both the creator and creation of a relationally healthy life. By beginning this work together with me, it is my hope your relationship can become the vessel in which you can heal yourself and take ownership of “what can I do, to help shape our relationship into something better?”, and together we will do the work to try to make it so.