Alicia Cohen (she/her)

Accepting Clients

Alicia Cohen is a clinical social worker who practices telehealth psychotherapy in Maryland, Washington, DC, Virginia.

Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Maryland


About My Clients

Her specialty is with neurodivergent individuals, people in ethical non-monogamous relationships, the kink/BDSM community, and LGBTQ+ individuals. Alicia also specializes in working with adults who have been marginalized by their body, gender, and sexuality.

My Background and Approach

Alicia’s therapeutic style is process based, collaborative and challenging without judgment. She views psychotherapy through a sex positive, body positive/HAES®, feminist, and culturally humble lens. Her focus is not on pathologizing but of discovering and embracing aspects of yourself and the way you live your life.

My Personal Beliefs and Interests

Psychotherapy is not only for people struggling with transitions or mental illness. It is for healthy people, at any time of their life, who want to gain insight, discover joy, pleasure, and engage in self care.

Insurance Plans Accepted
  • Out of Network
  • Out of Network
  • Out of Network
I offer online counseling in the following states:
I have experience with the following
  • Atheism
  • Judaism

At A Glance

  • Experience: 12 years of practice
  • Languages: English
  • Rate: $150/session

Reach out to Alicia