Melanie Heto (she/her/hers)

Doctor of Psychology
Accepting Clients

Modern, compassionate, multicultural care for driven individuals seeking a more sustainable work-life balance and self-other equanimity.

Clinical Psychologist in Louisville, CO


About My Clients

You've come far in your career, and you probably manage many roles in your life, but sometimes feel like you’re just going through the motions. Despite your successes, you are anxious or unsatisfied. You may wonder why you work so hard for others. You miss the times in your life when you felt more confident and able to relax and laugh. You don't know if true balance is even possible but hidden fears keep you going. You have tried things like self-care before, but it doesn’t seem to stick.

My Background and Approach

In the last 15 years working with professionals, I have found a blend of solution-focused problem-solving combined with developing an honest understanding of the root contributions to the pressures you face can create true balance. I will support you in re-training brain habit loops and learning practical ways to manage the systems you live and work in. You know you can feel better than this. I invite you to try a different kind of therapy, one that is modern, ambitious, productive, and multiculturally responsive. If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and get some real traction on making your life work for you as well as those around you, I invite you to reach out for a free 15-minute consultation. Our brains learn from repetition and can repeat early developmental patterns, even if they are unhelpful now. By identifying these brain loops and teaching you practical ways to rewire them, through compassionate, multicultural, and mindful care, you can feel in control again.

Insurance Plans Accepted
  • Aetna
I offer online counseling in the following states:

At A Glance

  • Experience: 14 years of practice
  • Languages: English, Español
  • Rate: $195 - 220/session


720-441-2809 Email Melanie
357 McCaslin Blvd Suite 200
Louisville, CO 80027

Reach out to Melanie