Morgan Ticum
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, LCMFTI work with pre-teens (11+), teens and adults. My focus is on treating anxiety disorders, abuse and trauma, and working with people who identify as empaths or highly sensitive.
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The therapists, counselors, social workers and psychologists below treat common issues such as depression, anxiety, loss, relationship issues and trauma. Performing an advanced search will allow you to filter for therapists that have specialized experience and training in more modern areas such as non-monogamy, body-positivity, racial justice, queer-competency and more.
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We provide counseling services to children, teens, and adults and are able to help with concerns such as anxiety, depression, social issues, family issues, and academic struggles. We also provide diagnostic assessments for ADHD, learning disabilities, and autism, as well as other mental health issues.
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Alongside you, I commit to building a space that can be durable enough to hold against the most violent storms of anxiety, depression and loss, yet, remain tender enough to hold the realities of a wounded heart, a confused mind and a tender voice. I believe education and understanding are important keys to navigating yourself and those with whom you are in relationship. A genuine understanding of your life through narratives, themes, diagrams and pictures can be the key to a therapeutic process.
Perhaps with today’s latest challenges you feel out of balance, stuck in some places, and in need of a fresh approach that honors your strengths and personal values. My clients have led remarkable lives, often with a lot of success, but also a lot of stress. The successes may make it difficult to reach out for support. They may have developed substance use issues or other coping skills that are no longer helpful.
Do you want to improve your life and your relationships? Do you want to heal from the past? Do you feel stressed, lonely, lost, bored, or like things "just aren't right"? I have worked with a number of clients, each with a different way of describing what feels wrong. In my practice, I have seen a number of clients learn to address their deepest emotions and desires, and I have seen them improve not only their lives but their relationships with themselves.
Being human is often tough. Sometimes we lose our way and can feel stuck and overwhelmed. Sometimes we would like to change parts of our lives or ourselves but don’t know how. Therapy can be an empowering way to promote healing, growth, and wellness. Often, we initially seek treatment to address a specific concern and then begin to uncover other areas of our lives in which we want to make meaningful change. My goal is for this process to feel supportive, affirming, and appropriately challenging.
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You're tired. Tired of struggling with the relentless difficulties life sends your way, weighed down by the echoes of past pain and trauma. Tired of feeling like you're drowning in a sea of uncertainty, struggling to keep your head above water. Tired of the endless cycle of relationship struggles, where compassion and understanding break down and intimacy feels like a fairy tale. Part of you knows that you can’t do it alone anymore. It is a difficult, vulnerable, and brave thing to seek support.
Often, my clients find themselves in circumstances or environments in which they do not feel understood or seen. The sometimes think no one will ever really 'get' them. This could be because of a lifestyle, religion, or just generally who they feel they are as a person. Many have been afraid to reach out previously. They hope to someday find that one place or person who won't judge them, but rather sit with them through the muck. You've found it. Welcome home.
Most of my clients have known something is off for a long time. Perhaps it's a persistent challenge to finish projects, a tendency to double-book yourself, or an inability to read a room. Maybe it's the sense that you're working a lot harder than the people around you to make the same progress. What recent research tells us is that ADHD and Autism are up to 300% more common than previously believed. That means a lot of people have been missed, esp. women, AFAB, trans, NB, and POC folx.
My heart work is helping people feel secure, especially humans with complex trauma. I help those experiencing relational difficulties & those who experience pain from losses, betrayal, and religious trauma. Working primarily with married/unmarried couples of all types, adult individuals, & families, I’m a Certified Emotion-Focused Therapist, an AEDP clinician, a Certified Facilitator with the Fair Play Institute (domestic equity in households). My clients appreciate compassionate directness.
Always second guessing your comments and over explaining is exhausting. Not knowing what to expect you walk on eggshells questioning what will happen next? Narcissistic-like behaviors include swinging from being caring and attentive to being irritated, demanding and manipulative. We continue to tell ourselves they will change, as we have invested so much time and energy into the relationship. Now, walking away does not seem like an option or maybe you are "done".
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I love working with clients who have chosen alternative lifestyles, disenfranchised individuals, and those who face the stigma of being different! Facing stigma, prejudice, and judgemental ideologies can be traumatic. Getting the help you need, from a Psychologist with 25 years of experience working thru these issues will be a comforting and enlightening journey. I also specialize in trauma recovery and Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents. I am a PsyPact Psychologist and able to practice in
Do you struggle to see yourself as a person with inherent value or struggle with feeling safe due to experiencing sexual trauma and interpersonal harm? Do you have overwhelming anxiety, hopelessness, or loneliness? Do you feel disconnected from your body and feel sexual shame due to growing up in religions that elevated purity culture? If so, it would be an honor to join you on your journey to connect to your body and increase a compassionate relationship with yourself.
Are you struggling with depression, anxiety, or meeting a goal and don’t know where to start and are overwhelmed? Talking to me can help you gain confidence, feel more competent, and help gain better coping skills. These things are what can give you help to reach goals and improve your health physically and mentally. You also may need someone to talk to because you need more self understanding or personal growth and you feel stuck. I can help you process emotions and find healing.
Adults with ADHD are often overlooked, under diagnosed or misdiagnosed altogether. Most of my clients find me when their kids are diagnosed with ADHD, and they start to wonder.... What a relief it can be to have an explanation for all the things you may have struggled with in your lifetime!
My clients are often the ones who have been bounced around, have been given many diagnoses, and have struggled to find help. By the time they reach me, many of my clients have all but given up hope that they can be helped. My clients are struggling with insomnia, PTSD, or dissociative identity disorder, or a combination of these issues. My clients are brave and strong and I am honored to work with them.
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I welcome people of all races, ethnicities, gender, and sexual orientations. People have worked with me to explore things like depression, anxiety, gender identity, grief/loss, life transitions, recovering from infidelity, and more. I specialize in working with trans, nonbinary, and queer-identified clients. I provide knowledgeable support through social and medical transition and provide HRT/surgery letters. I enjoy supporting and educating partners and family members through therapy as well.