Body Image Issues

Body image is how you see yourself when you picture yourself in your mind or when look in the mirror. Most people worry about how we look occasionally or see at least one aspect of our physical appearance we don’t like. But for some, these occasional thoughts can become frequent and disruptive. People with negative body image issues may avoid social situations and experience problems in relationships, depression, anger, anxiety, isolation, self-loathing and/or an obsession with weight loss. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (or BDD) is one example of a body-image disorder, characterized by persistent and intrusive preoccupations with an imagined or slight defect in one's appearance. The good news is that body image can be changed and BDD can be treated. Contact one of TherapyDen’s body image issues experts for help today!

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I am a Health at Every Size (HAES) practitioner and a fierce advocate for body acceptance and liberation. I believe all bodies are good bodies, regardless of size, shape, or ability.

— Kirsten Cannon, Counselor in Memphis, TN

I teach clients body neutrality and work to break down barriers to weight stigma, body-focused perfectionism, and other cultural factors that lead to poor body image.

— Elise Miller, Licensed Professional Counselor Associate

Too often we are told we are not good enough and we need to change how we look, sound, move etc. Entire businesses run on making us feel less than. In such a cultural environment, being ourselves fully and unapologetically is the best revolution we can engage in. I work with clients using tenets of HAES and Intuitive Eating to create tailored programs of radical self love and body diversity.

— Neil Panchmatia, Counselor in Portland, OR

Most of us have felt, at one point or another, that our body's size or shape is somehow wrong. For those of us who identify as fat, or whose bodies are otherwise considered atypical, it can feel impossible to distinguish our authentic feelings about our bodies from the forces that profit off of our self-criticism. I approach our work from a fat-positive, all-bodies-are-good-bodies perspective that prioritizes individual bodily autonomy and experience.

— Abby Weintraub, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in ,

I extensive experience in working with individuals who struggle with body dysmorphic issues.

— Francine Way, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Long Beach, CA

Body image struggles are common, yet painful. I support individuals with exploring where their body image struggles are coming from and developing practicing to build a more compassionate relationship to the body.

— Sarah Levy, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Arlington, MA

Cis-Hetero-Patriarchy and White Supremacy has filled us all up with harmful, restrictive, and value ridden attitudes towards bodies. No wonder we have complicated relationships with food, eating, and bodies. The dominant systems in place uphold diet culture and anti-fat bias in order to maintain power and control. By recognizing the origins of harmful practices in your life, you may begin the practice of unlearning and replacing these limiting and painful beliefs.

— Dina Bdaiwi, Associate Marriage & Family Therapist in Irvine, CA

If you struggle with feelings of anxiety and self-judgment regarding your physical body's appearance or abilities, and feel overwhelmed and hopeless because of these painful feelings there are things we can work on together to help you find a more peaceful, kind, and functional way to relate to your body and food. I have worked in residential, partial hospitalization, and outpatient levels of care to treat eating disorders and body image concerns, and I want to share that experience to help you.

— Holly Love, Licensed Professional Counselor in Aurora, CO

Do you find yourself spending hours in front of the mirror? Have you ever felt that wave of anxiety when your go-to pair of jeans fits a little different than they did yesterday? Your body image is not a superficial problem. Your body is your home, a place in which you deserve to feel safe, peaceful, and connected. When you're at war with your body, its exhausting, frustrating, and maybe even intolerable. It's time for you and your body to get on the same page. Let's talk about it.

— Chloe Cox, Psychotherapist in Irvine, CA

Sonya Renee Taylor (2021) writes that the "body is not an apology." I wholeheartedly believe this. At the same time, truly embodying this is HARD, and is a communal effort. Our bodies do not live in a vacuum, but are consistently being impacted/informed by the world, the systems, and the people around it. Through compassionate, somatic, and relational holding, I hope to help you reclaim a loving relationship with your body. To celebrate the uniqueness that makes you, YOU one breath at a time.

— Danielle Forastieri Short, Associate Marriage & Family Therapist in Berkeley, CA

Constantly criticizing our looks and having persistent low self-esteem in our appearance seems to be a norm in our culture. Finding freedom from our own negative beliefs can be the biggest act of kindness you give yourself.

— Allison Doyle, Clinical Social Worker in Kirkland, WA

I know that your circumstances are unique, so I work with you to get to the roots of the negative body image, low self-esteem, self doubt, and disconnection , so we can process and heal these patterns that are holding you back. I work with you weekly to help you achieve your unique goals, and help with live a life that you love.

— Jacqueline Richards-Shrestha, Licensed Professional Counselor in Boulder, CO

I facilitate a body liberation focused body image group for those looking to not only explore their own relationship with their body but also explore cultural influences on our beliefs related to health, bodies and food.

— Christina Sun Oo, Psychotherapist in Arlington Heights, IL

We will deconstruct myths and perceptions about bodies and work toward removing value, stigma, and judgment from your relationship with your body. Accepting and working with the body you have today. Learn how to do no harm, but take no shit! Feel empowered to live your truth! Your body is the least exciting thing about you.

— Angel Whitehead, Psychotherapist in Blacksburg, VA

Diet culture is a system of belief that equates thinness to moral value, sees weight loss as a status gain, and oppresses people for not fitting their definition of “healthy”. It has been found to contribute to disordered eating behavior, fatphobia, and weight stigma. Many therapists reinforce these systems of oppression and stigma and can cause harm to their clients. These effects are often magnified for fat or larger-bodied clients. I believe in HAES, weight-neutrality, & body liberation.

— Dottie Gill, Clinical Psychologist in Seattle, WA

You’re tired of dieting. You’re tired of feeling anxious about the way your body looks and the way clothes fit. You don't want to care what others' think, and you just want to feel okay in your body. Good news: You can learn to appreciate it, accept it and feel comfortable in it. I help clients shut down and stop engaging in diet and body-shaming talk, stop listening to what culture says they should look like, stop measuring worth by clothing size, and learn to accept and appreciate their bodies

— Ashley French, Licensed Professional Counselor in Denver, CO

I support clients in exploring their relationship to their body and the factors that have impeded this relationship, including gender, diet culture, and dissociation. I do not provide formal eating disorder treatment. I may refer you to an appropriate provider if your current situation requires medical monitoring.

— Caitlin Wehrwood, Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Tacoma, WA