Kailey Hockridge (She/Her/Hers)

License information verified by TherapyDen LPCC
Accepting Clients

As your therapist, I’m here to support you as you look inward, get curious, and use your strengths to step into your truest self.

Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in Los Angeles, CA


About My Clients

I thrive in my work with creative, high-achieving adults who are curious about how to foster a greater sense of self-compassion and self-esteem. My clients often step into therapy when they're experiencing stress or anxiety, are finding it difficult to cope with personal or professional burnout, or are struggling to show up fully and authentically in their relationships. Ultimately, my hope is that therapy becomes a collaborative space where you feel seen, valued, and supported.

How I Can Help You

I particularly enjoy working with women in historically male-dominated industries (such as entertainment, tech, and law), clients who are navigating work or life transitions, and folks in poly communities. Our time together will be guided by curiosity as you move closer towards your own definition of healing. I work from a feminist, strength-based foundation and collaborate with my clients on building therapy goals and tools that they feel work for them. This may look like expanding and reinforcing your coping skills, establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries, or fostering your sense of self-compassion. With honesty, compassion, and humor, we will work together to better understand how you got to where you are so that you can continue to build a life - and relationship with yourself - that feels good for you.

My Values as a Therapist

My practice is LGBTQIA+ affirming, sex-positive, and honors all bodies and identities. I emphasize transparency in an effort to increase my clients’ understanding of themselves and the therapy process, and to share information that increases their ability to advocate for their own needs. As your collaborator in this process, we'll work together to create a space that centers and is responsive to your identities, and takes into account the context of navigating systemic racism and sexism in a capitalist, patriarchal society.

Insurance Plans Accepted
  • Out of Network
I offer online counseling in the following states:
I have experience with the following
  • Agnosticism
  • Atheism
  • Christianity
  • Judaism
  • Interfaith
  • Multifaith

At A Glance

  • Experience: 10 years of practice
  • Languages: English

Reach out to Kailey