NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM)

NeuroAffective Relational Model, also known as NARM, is a therapeutic approach that follows a specific model (based on both traditional psychotherapy and somatic approaches) for trauma. NARM does this by working with the attachment patterns that cause life-long psychobiological symptoms and interpersonal difficulties. These early, unconscious patterns of disconnection can have an impact on our identity, emotions, physiology, behavior and relationships. NARM is a non-regressive model of therapy that emphasizes helping clients establish connection to the parts of self that are organized, coherent and functional. It helps bring into awareness and organization the parts of self that are disorganized and dysfunctional without making the regressed, dysfunctional elements the primary theme of the therapy. Think this approach might be right for you? Reach out to one  of TherapyDen’s NARM specialists today. 

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Using techniques from NARM I work to connect the people I support to themselves, their true somatic and emotional experience, and their innermost hearts.

— Anna Stern, Therapist in Saint Paul, MN

I am currently enrolled in a year long level 2 training. In general, I see the world through a lense of CPTSD. Not to diangose folks but rather empower.

— Traci Ruble, Marriage & Family Therapist in , CA

The primary model I draw from in my individual therapy work is a comprehensive, trauma informed model known as NARM. NARM is one of very few models designed to specifically address Complex PTSD and Developmental Trauma, and is focused heavily on bringing curiosity, agency and consent to the therapeutic space. NARM is a relatively new, innovative model that draws from a long history of psychological lineages. You can learn more about the NARM here:

— Sarah Lazarewicz, Clinical Social Worker in Minneapolis, MN

Several of the therapists at HeartMind Resiliency are trained in NARM, as well as other somatic, depth oriented approaches.

— HeartMind Resiliency LLC, Licensed Professional Counselor in Richmond, VA

Our nervous system is the first to develop in the womb; how we experience the world from conception to birth informs our core sense of safety and inform how we cope. NARM aims to treat attachment, relational and developmental trauma, or “Complex Trauma” (Complex-PTSD or C-PTSD). This developmentally-oriented, neuroscientifically-informed model emerged out of earlier psychotherapeutic orientations including Psychodynamic Psychotherapy approaches.

— Trish McKenna, Therapist in St. Louis Park, MN

In 2020, I completed NARM Therapist training and in the summer of 2021 received my NARM Master Therapist certificate. I was the host of the NARM Training Institute podcast Transforming Trauma for the first two years.

— Sarah Buino, Social Worker in Chicago, IL

I had the incredible privilege of training under, world-renowned author, psychologist and relationship expert Dr. John Townsend. He founded the Townsend Institute for Leadership & Counseling, through Concordia University, Irvine, CA to address both the head and the heart, incorporating scriptural truths with current neuroscience and tried and true therapeutic approaches to bring real and lasting breakthroughs and growth.

— Karissa Catlin, Licensed Professional Counselor Associate in Marietta, GA

I am a Certified NeuroAffective Relational Model(tm) Therapist. I have completed training through level 2 and am a member of the Inner Circle. NARM is a cutting-edge model for working with attachment, relational and developmental trauma, by helping people start to connect with what they really want and see more clearly relational patterns that can cause life-long struggle if not addressed.

— Jennifer DiGennaro, Licensed Professional Counselor in Grand Rapids, MI

NARM is a cutting-edge model for addressing attachment, relational and developmental trauma, by working with the attachment patterns that cause life-long psychobiological symptoms and interpersonal difficulties. These early, unconscious patterns of disconnection deeply affect our identity, emotions, physiology, behavior and relationships. Learning how to work simultaneously with these diverse elements is a radical shift that has profound clinical implications for healing complex trauma.

— Kate Wester, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in Oak Park, IL

I am currently enrolled and participating in getting trained in NARM. This model is utilized to treat the effects of developmental trauma, which is something I believe we have all been subject to in various ways. I relate to this model because it is oriented around acting within our own agency and helping individuals discover the barriers getting in the way of what we most want for ourselves. I will complete the training in Spring 2022.

— Bethaney Clark, Professional Counselor Associate in Gresham, OR

I was trained in NARM™ more recently, in 2021-2022, completing all requirements for Level 2 training. NARM helps folks with chronic, developmental, relational, or attachment trauma who struggle with emotion dysregulation, toxic shame, and difficulties in relating to self and others. It's a non-pathologizing model that uses top-down and bottom-up interventions to resolve emotional stuck points and increase a sense of agency in our lives.

— Stacey Rosenfeld, Psychologist in Coral Gables, FL

I tend to incorporate a multidisciplinary approach, however, the heart of my practice is centered around NARM (the neuro-affective relational model), a compassionate, humanstic, and holistic approach to addressing C-PTSD or relational/developmental trauma.

— Mathew Diedrich, Therapist in Chicago, IL